Mid Month Check-in
Mid Month Check-in time
Well, late mid-month, but that's okay! I've enjoyed recording daily life in my journal (see Something Fun This Way Comes). It's a great place to let loose and rant if need be. You don't have to fear what people may think or take out of context--no one is going to cancel you (ha!). Everyone needs to let off some steam every now and then. I recommend it as a healthy outlet.
It was hard to figure out what to write about for the first few days, but as time went on, the words started to flow. There are little moments worth documenting, and it will be nice to be able to look back on them. There were some days I missed (we all have our 'off' days), but I made sure to include them in with the next entry.
This is a hobby I am going to keep. I am 100% for the idea of having a keepsake to look back on.
Do you write in a journal? What do you enjoy about it?
Have you ever thought about recording your daily life?
I want to know!